B STRONG 4 LIFE NAPA VALLEY, Make your Live better

If you want a full fit Slim body then join our world-renowned weight loss program, change the way you experience life with our Ideal Protein Serious Loser Program guided by Dr Douglas Weed. Reduce your risk of suffering from chronic disease.
A special focus on Balance, Core Strength, Bone Health and Fall Prevention.
Patient’s suffering from chronic spinal pain, in particular lower back and neck pain often have at the root of their problem, a break down of spinal structural integrity coupled with substantial loss of core strength. This is also true in cases of osteporosis.
What we do :
Once the structural weakness is analyzed and measured, a patient-centered course of care is followed to improve or correct it. Most patients feel great, achieve a more stable underlying spinal structure, and are able to rebuild their body in a balanced and efficient way. As a result, dramatic gains in strength, stability and function can be achieved.