DeFlame Programs Skin Health Promotion

DeFlame Programs Skin Health Promotion
1. The anti-inflammatory diet (see The DeFlame Diet book)

Supplement options
a. Basic Health Program
b. Advanced Health Program

The term "skin health" can conjure up television commercials for various creams and lotions that are applied to the skin to make the skin healthy. In fact, most important to skin health is probably what we eat. While this may come as surprise, scientific articles discuss this relationship:

Shapira N. Nutritional approach to sun protection: a suggested complement to external strategies. Nutr Rev. 2010;68(2):75-86.

Fortes C, Mastroeni S, Melchi F et al. A protective effect of the Mediterranean diet for cutaneous melanoma. Inter J Epidemiol. 208;37:1018-29.

The diet and supplements discussed in these 2 articles are the same as found in The DeFlame Diet. In other words, there are no specific skin supplements, so the Basic and Advanced Health Programs of supplements are the best option along with an anti-inflammatory diet.

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