Do You Need To Know About Canadian Permanent Residence

Canada is a land of beautiful landscapes, thrilling Rockies and eye-catching locations. The mesmerising waterfalls, mind blowing the Rocky Mountains, and gorgeous beached make Canada a place blessed by natural attractions. Every year, millions of tourists visit in Canada to enjoy these heavens like sites across various provinces in Canada. Banff National Park is one such incredible location in Canada that lure a vast number of tourists coming to Canada annually. Visit Abhinav outsourcing

Our post landing assistance services rendered by us to our clients:

Airport pick-up service to take you to a pre-arranged accommodation.
Counselling session regarding the job market and business environment in your immigration country.
Assistance to apply for social security card, permanent resident card, driving license, health card and other such country specific essential requirements.
Introduction with reliable real estate broker, bank representative and franchise broker.
Help in the opening if a bank account, locker and credit card from the concerned bank.
Brief about the essential basic information, that includes taxation, housing, business, health, education, shopping and others.
Assistance to set up a business as our learned professionals abroad conduct a detailed market research and help you finalize the most suitable location for the same.
Canada immigration consultants in Delhi are more experienced immigration experts who guide through with the authentic details regarding the immigration process to Canada. Who are willing to relocate and must approach these experts and take consultation as the entire application procedure is not that easy as it sounds. Apply Now!